Appeal Guide

User Process

  1. When the user is banned, they are sent a message with a link to an appeal website.

  2. They will visit the website, authenticate with Discord, and fill out the questions.

Moderator Process

  1. View the #ban-appeals channel and review all the information within the appeal.

  2. Identify who performed the punishment.

  3. Senior Moderator or above may decide (with enough information) on the appeal themselves.

  4. Ideally, put the decision upon the person who made the punishment.

  5. Accept or deny the appeal.

Accepting or Denying Appeals

  1. If you are accepting the appeal, select the "Approve and Unban" button, reacting with ✅ under the embed.

  2. If you are denying the appeal, select the "Deny and Block" button, reacting with ❌ under the embed.


Please ensure you add reactions as to not overlap with another Staff member.


Those unbanned are emailed that their appeal was accepted with an invite link.


All previous appeal server bans were migrated to the new system.